Tuesday, October 23, 2007

RA: Live meeting


This ad has a young business man looking very sauve and business-like. There is intense music going on, the man gets out from a cab, and proceeds through an airport to an elevator. During this short journey, text on the screen reveals that he is, "Tyler Johnson, Vice President-International Sales" and a few seconds later, "Destination Helsinki, Product Feedback Meeting." He does some masculine business-like things; he runs his hands through his hair, straightens his suit, checks out the backside of a lady standing infront of him in the elevator. Then just has he is leaving the elevator, the doors slam his head. He drops to the floor where the doors close again on his head, and again. Finally, the janitor outside moves him out of the way, and the doors are able to close. On the closed elevator doors are the words, "Business Travel Stops Here, Microsoft Office Live Meeting."
This ad tells the audience that business travel is after all, just a big head ache. The audience is business men (like the poor Tyler Johnson). The name "Tyler Johnson" is a pretty average name, and so the average business man can put themself in his shoes. Some business men would begin watching the ad and think, "Yeah, that's me. I'm a business man," even though it's a highly idealized rendition, these type of men are optimistic. On the other side, you'll get the more realistic business men who'll start watching the ad thinking, "that's not what it's like at all." The ad's conclusion works for both. The first type will think, "I don't want that to happen to me" and the second type, "business meetings are a headache, it's true." What is the answer? Microsoft Office Live Meeting.

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