Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Free Write

I'm going to start typing and I'll try not to stop until I have a sufficient enough entry. I think it is probably a good idea; it gets you into the flow of writing. Sometimes it is difficult to begin. There is a blank screen in front of you with a cursor just blinking and blinking. Expecting you to do something with it. It kind of reminds me when I have a blank canvas in front of me. Every mark you put down will be judged or evaluated. It is hard to start. For canvas it is even harder because it costs so much. But even words. Once it is out. Once it is on paper. It is written down. People can look at you. People can examine you. It is a record that you are accountable for. Maybe that is why it is a little foreboding. I wish we could communicate clearly. Words are so muddled anyway. We don't think in words. We think in thoughts. If we thought in words then we would never have those times where we "can't think of the right word." In those instances we know the concept we are trying to find the right word to link to the meshy concept in our mind. Some people paint or sing or move or talk or write to try to communicate the concepts and the stuff that is going inside our minds, but it doesn't seem to ever be clear enough. It never seems to be completely accurate. One day perhaps. Maybe that's what "Adamic" language is. We'll all have to learn it, but it is just universally understood. Anyone can understand it. One person can speak it, and no matter what language you speak you'd be able to understand. Maybe that's what is happening in the scriptures when they hear things that couldn't be written down. It is this language that is universally understood and communicated, but they didn't know how to speak it yet. And maybe eventually we'll all be able to learn it. Things would get done so much more efficiently, and I can't imagine any arguments because people would understand where other people were coming from. A universal language. Where everything is clear.

1 comment:

Jay McCarthy said...

When I think about these things, I find D&C 67:5 very interesting:

"5 Your eyes have been upon my servant Joseph Smith, Jun., and his language you have known, and his imperfections you have known; and you have sought in your hearts knowledge that you might express beyond his language; this you also know."

I think it is very interesting that his "imperfection" is tied to his language and knowledge beyond his language. Similarly, on the Title Page of the BoM we have:

"And now, if there are faults they are the mistakes of men; wherefore, condemn not the things of God, that ye may be found spotless at the judgment-seat of Christ."
